Survey Results and Next Steps

A bunch of you called in to listen to us / air grievances / chat about stuff on the first Annual All Doox Alumni Conference Call on November 18th. Thanks for your time! Here’s what we learned and are planning on doing as a result:

A) Nominating new board members
We have solicited applications for new Board members, especially representing the 60s, early 70s, and 90s. Anyone who hasn’t already volunteered but who has an interest in serving should contact Tom before Christmas: we hope to vote to increase the Board’s membership before 2011.

B) Alumni / undergrad relations
The Board is going to be more proactive in terms of liaising with the current group. We will publicize the undergrad group’s concert and tour schedule as best we can, both on our website and in our newsletter.

C) Next mini-reunions
We would like folks to volunteer to organize regional mini-reunions/singing dinners during 2011. We’re specifically thinking in one of these cities: Chicago, Atlanta, Boston, or DC. (We’ll also look to do another NY gathering.)

We’ll be reaching out in a targeted manner to alums in different areas to solicit a more specific opinion (Scott Healy ’94, ready yourself).

D) Taking action on your survey responses
The survey response had strong consensus about next steps. We’d like to get alumni opinion on the Board’s next actions.

1) We’re going to put together an up-to-date and member-accessible Doox Alum directory. We’ll do it in a way that protects people’s privacy. In January, we’ll run another survey that describes options and seeks opinions on which version Doox Alums prefer.

2) Doox Alums ranked major reunions highest in priority. In early 2011, we’ll run a second survey soliciting opinions about the 60th reunion, especially regarding when to hold it: Fall vs. Spring of 2013.